
Margot is a psychotherapist and improviser. She has trained with, among others, Michael Gellman, Mike Descouteaux,Aretha Spolin Sills, Jay Sukow and Laura Hall. She founded Improv4Wellness and brings improv to corporations, health care facilities, mental health providers and community organizations. been teaching improv for over a decade. She has ongoing improv classes for people with Parkinson’s disease and care partners.

She hosts the podcast, Improv Interviews, for over a decade and has over 170 chats with professional improvisers from around the world. Her mission is to help others discover the magic of improvisation theater.

Call: (239) 434-6558 or
Email: margotescott@mac.com


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Call me on my confidential line:
(239) 434-6558

Email me at margotescott@mac.com or use this contact form.

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